๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ How I went from a herniated disc to deadlift PR


Hey Reader,

Imagine a day when you pull up to the gym, put your gear down, and get a quick warm-up without wasting time on activation, mobility, or movement prep.

You pick up a barbell, move freely with zero joint pain, and hit ANOTHER PR for the week.

You're crushing your training, taking steps toward your fitness goals, and have zero frustrations over how your body moves and feels.

Well, I am currently looking for 10 CrossFit athletes who want to eliminate their joint pain in under twelve weeks without missing any training to do so, guaranteed.

Here's How:

  • We'll chat over the phone so I can get to know you, your goals, and what you are struggling with in training.
  • A thorough assessment of your movement, nutrition, and lifestyle so you can isolate the root cause of your issue.
  • We'll design a 12-week training and corrective exercise program to eliminate deficiencies so you can rehab while you train.
  • You'll get a complete nutrition rx and lifestyle blueprint to fortify your body and maximize recovery.

If you're interested in a spot, get started with a free consultation (Click Here)

**I only work with 10 clients at a time to keep the service high-quality, so please don't wait if you're interested!

Keep reading to learn how I herniated a disc and then set a new deadlift PR.

This Week's Equipment Deals

*As an affiliate partner of various brands, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you to help keep this newsletter 100% free forever.

  1. Titan Fitness (30%+ off, plus 15% off with opt-in)- (LINK)
  2. Rogue Fitness Boneyard Color Bumper Plates (35%+ Off- (LINK)
  3. NOBULL Apparell (Up to 50% off) - (LINK)

Deep Dive

How I Went From A Herniated Disc To Setting A New Deadlift PR

Five years ago, I walked into the gym and had no idea that my training was about to change forever.

I had spent the last ten weeks following a template Olympic weightlifting program designed for Olympic athletes.

Not for an average CrossFit athlete.

The program called for one rep maxes for several movements per day.

Yes, you read that right.

Daily, one rep maxes for several movements on each training day.

Saturdays were the big "test day" each week.

The program was coming to a close, and although My body was destroyed, I pushed through.

I warmed up, mobilized, went through my movement prep to get back to baseline, and grabbed a barbell to start snatching.

The reps felt okay as I built up to a new PR attempt - then boom, a new snatch PR.

I'm sure you know how challenging snatch PRs are to come by, so needless to say, I was ecstatic.

But then I bent over to pick up a dumbbell and felt something shift in my lower back.

I wasn't in immediate pain, but something just didn't feel "right," so I called the session and drove home.

Everything seemed fine until I pulled into my driveway and attempted to exit the car.

I felt immediate and excruciating pain in my lower back and down my left leg.

To the point that I couldn't even stand up.

I needed to fall out of my car onto the stone gravel pavement, making the experience even worse.

Thankfully, I had a garage door opener in my car and could open it before lying face-down on the driveway.

In pain, I army crawled on the gravel into my house and into my bedroom, which thankfully was the first door on the left as you entered the house.

I pulled myself into my bed, where I would lay for the next three days, unable to stand up and barely roll over.

My Journey To Pain-Free Movement

For the next several days, I lay in bed, unable to do anything for myself.

I couldn't walk, roll over, use the bathroom, sit up to eat - nothing.

At one point, I thought I had broken my back, but after three days of bed rest, I could walk gingerly.

But open spaces with nothing to grasp still freaked me out.

After some testing and an MRI, it was determined I had herniated my L4-L5 disc, and although I was a little freaked out, I was determined to get back in the gym ASAP.

For the next week, I began performing gentle mobility exercises to get my back to the point where I could walk around.

When I could walk with only moderate pain, I went straight to the gym to kickstart my rehab.

Although I could walk with only minor pain, any bending, lifting, or twisting actions shot pain into my lower back and down my left leg still.

So, I put myself through the same rehab process I now use for every one of my clients as a Physical Therapist.

  • Determine the movements I could still do without pain and train them hard.
  • Complete an assessment to check the movement of my spine and other joints and the strength of my core, hips, and lower back.
  • Isolate the dysfunction(s), which in my case was poor core control and tight hips that caused compensations at my lower back.
  • Design a 12-week corrective exercise program to train the deficiencies I had uncovered in my assessment.
  • Incorporate my newfound mobility and strength into typical CrossFit movements to build them back to pre-injury levels.

This process created a roadmap for me to get back to training without letting my hard-earned gains go to waste.

I was working on what I needed to without missing time in the gym.

Building To A New Deadlift PR

Once the twelve weeks had passed, the pain in my lower back and my legs had vanished entirely.

I was able to train, bend, lift, and twist in training without fear of reaggravating my lower back.

Yet, I still had not worked up to the king of all lower body exercises: the deadlift.

The deadlift challenges the lower back to the highest extent because of the hinging position.

The weight of the barbell creates anterior shearing forces on the lower back, which help it grow strong.

But can also cause pain in the presence of weakness or injury.

I tested out how the deadlift felt with an empty barbell, and things seemed fine, so I started training.

The 12-week program started at 90% of your one rep max, which I'll outline below.

  • Week 1: 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @85%
  • Week 2: 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @90%
  • Week 3: 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%
  • Week 4: 3 x 5 @ 40%,50%,60%
  • Repeat x 3 phases, adding 5% to your working one rep max each phase.

Each week, I would build to a top set and perform an AMRAP set of the last weight.

It started light and would get heavier until the fourth week when you'd deload and then increase the one rep max you worked off of.

The last week, I was shocked at what happened.

We were officially going off of my pre-injury one rep max.

I set up for the last set of one and pulled it off the ground effortlessly, then did another rep, then another, and then another, and then struggled to get one more.

Five reps at 95% of my one rep max - a new deadlift PR.

At that moment, I felt like I had finally made it.

Not only was I pain-free from the worst injury I had in training but I was officially stronger and moved better than I previously was.

It's been six years since my injury, and I am still pain-free and performing better than ever!

How I Can Help You Do The Same

Since my injury and subsequent return to training, I have helped hundreds of CrossFit athletes eliminate pain and get back to training hard.

Through my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program.

A remote training system where I will work with you 1:1 to eliminate your pain without needing to miss any training time.

So that you can train pain-free and continue to build your fitness.

We follow the same process as I outlined above for one simple reason.

It works every time.

If we decide we are a good fit to work together, you'll undergo the same framework that I put myself through:

  • Assess your current movement
  • Isolate any dysfunctions
  • Train your deficiencies
  • Integrate back into functional movements at high intensity.

In addition to an individualized:

  • Nutrition rx to help you perform optimally and maximize recovery.
  • Lifestyle blueprint to simplify your daily habits and make your lifestyle work for your goals

All while you keep training and building your fitness.

"Can't I Just Follow A Templated Stretching or Strength Program?"

You could, but here is the problem with that.

Over the last decade,, working with clients, I have realized that every person is unique in what they need from their training.

Templated stretching and resistance training programs may not correct the root cause of your pain.

They take a shotgun approach and hope for the best since it's impossible to assess you if the template is made for the masses.

The better approach is saving time and money and getting an individualized program based on what you need.

"Can't I Just Go To Physical Therapy?"

You could, but here is the problem with that for a CrossFit athlete (coming from a physical therapist).

You have two options when it comes to physical therapy:

  1. Traditional PT
  2. Cash-based PT

In a traditional PT setting:

You will likely be working with a physical therapist who also sees 1-3 other patients simultaneously.

I know because I was this person running around the clinic.

This results in lackluster "safe" exercises that may or may not progress.

You may also be paired with a PT who has never entered a CrossFit gym or touched a barbell.

So, not only are you being juggled with other patients, but you might be getting programming and advice from someone who doesn't understand how you train.

In a cash-based setting:

Although a cash-based setting is a step above traditional PT, it has one major caveat: the cost.

I almost decided to enter cash-based PT services, but I ultimately decided to work remotely with clients because I felt I could help more people.

The vast majority of cash-based clinics see patients 1:1, which is great.

However, to do so, the per-session visit can be as high as $300 per session.

If you extrapolate that out over a twelve-week plan of care (or more), you could get stuck paying $4,000+.

That's also if you only go 1-2x per week.

The biggest issue(s) with both:

Aside from what I just mentioned, the biggest issues I see with these other options include:

  • You have to miss training time to see your PT
  • You have to adhere to their schedule
  • You only speak to your PT when you're in the clinic
  • There are rarely any nutrition prescriptions given
  • Lifestyle design is rarely talked about

All of these are accounted for inside my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program.

We work together remotely, so you train and rehab when it's best for you.

Your rehab is blended into your training program with daily communication, weekly check-ins, and monthly consultations.

Plus, you'll receive an individualized nutrition and lifestyle program to augment the changes from your training program.

Ultimately decreasing the time it takes to get back to pain-free training.

Join The The 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program!

My 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program is the culmination of my experience rebounding from injury and my experience as a physical therapist and CrossFit coach.

The program is specifically designed to help CrossFit athletes eliminate joint pain and get back to training hard.

I've helped hundreds of clients get back to pain-free movement.

If you are frustrated with pain in the gym I am certain I can help you too.

So much so that I even offer a guarantee.

If you are not pain-free in twelve weeks, I will work with you FOR FREE until you are.

If this interests you, I invite you to book a free consultation (Click Here).

We'll review everything from your goals to your struggles in the gym and the plan to get you back to 100%.

However, to keep the service as high-quality as possible, I only work with 10 clients at a time.

Once the roster is full, the consultation link will close.

So, if you're interested, please don't wait!

I hope to talk to you soon, Reader!

This Week's Training

Day 1 - 8/26/2024

A) Strict Pull-Up - 20X1; 3 x 1.1.1; rest :15 btw clusters and 2โ€™ between sets (progress load)

B1) Top Down Alternating Dumbbell Press - 20X1; 3 x 8e; rest 1โ€™ and move to B2 (progress load)

B2) Ring Row - 3020; 3 x 12-15; rest 1โ€™ and move to B3

B3) Prne IYT - 2010; 3 x 8 each way rest 1โ€™ and move to B1 (progress load)

C) MAP 7 Mixed Aerobic Work

For time @ sustained effort
12 Min AMRAP
10 Box jump Step Down 24/20"
18 Thrusters 75/55#
14 Pull-ups

Be sure to snap a pic of your training and tag @WillMurtagh_DPT on social!

This week's Blog Post

The Ultimate Strength Training Belt Guide (2024)

In this article, weโ€™ll dive into the pros and cons of weight belts, exploring their impact on performance, injury prevention, and overall athletic development.

Before you go, here's how I can help you

1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program

My flagship 1:1 program is designed to eliminate your joint pain while elevating your CrossFit performance in less than 12 weeks without overhauling your training or missing time in the gym for rehab.

Book your free consultation - (LINK)

Bulletproof Training Program PRO

An upgraded version of the Free Bullet Proof Training Program (above) designed to help you increase your performance, develop your physique, and optimize your movement so that you feel great inside and outside the gym.

The PRO version comes with nutrition coaching, lifestyle coaching, demo videos, progress tracking, weekly progress check-ins, and all of my other paid resources!

Try 3-Days Free - (LINK)

Book A Movement Screen

A 45-minute 1:1 movement screen to identify the root cause of your aches and pains.

This movement screen is the exact same one performed in my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program.

Book a virtual movement screen, and If we decide to work together to fix what we find, your movement screen is 100% free!

If not, youโ€™ll have the answers you need to reach your goals.

*Discount already applied*

Book Your Movement Screen Today! (LINK)

Talk to you soon, Reader

Dr. Will Murtagh, PT, DPT, MS, CSCS, CISSN

Physical Therapist | Remote Fitness Coach

P.S. I can only work with 10 clients at a time, so don't wait to schedule your free consultation! (Schedule Here)

180 Lower Sheep Pasture Rd, East Setauket, NY 11733
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180 Lower Sheep Pasture Rd, East Setauket, NY 11733
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