🏋🏻‍♀️ How To Properly Use Your Weightlifting Belt

Hey Reader,

I hope your training is going well!

If you ever want to update me on your weekly training wins please email me back and let me know.

I'd love to hear about them.

This past week, I set a new PR on my hang power clean, which was very unexpected, but I am not going to ask questions and take the win, lol.

Today I am reviewing weightlifting belt use and how I think they are best used.

I've researched and written on weightlifting belts frequently as a Performance Physical Therapist.

So, check it out, and as always, I would love to hear your thoughts on the deep dive and this week's Bulletproof programming.

Deep Dive

How to Maximize Your Strength: The Smart Way to Use (and Not Use) Your Weightlifting Belt

Ever caught yourself reaching for that weightlifting belt before every heavy lift?

You're not alone. I was once the same way but now I take a different approach.

But have you considered whether it's truly enhancing your performance or potentially holding you back?

The Debate on Belts

In CrossFit boxes around the world, you'll see a mix of athletes - some swear by their belts, others never touch them.

This divide isn't just a matter of preference; it reflects a deeper question about how we approach strength, stability, and long-term athletic development.

Let's face it, CrossFit is demanding.

We're constantly pushing our limits, lifting heavy, and tackling complex movements.

It's tempting to seek any edge we can get.

But when it comes to weightlifting belts, the answer isn't as straightforward as you might think.

My Experience With Weightlifting Belts

My whole training career I have been a weightlifting belt user. If there was barbell work to be had you can bet that my belt was not far from my person.

Yet up until several years ago, when I started taking my training injuries seriously, I would still tweak my lower back regardless of whether I had a belt on.

So what gives?

Well, the main issue is that injury in the gym is a result of improper load management and not a lack of equipment use. (1)

Whether it's a belt, sleeves, wraps, etc, no tool can account for poor program design.

So I decided to ditch my belt and develop my core which had become a weak link in my movement.

Yes, the numbers I lifted went down almost immediately as I didnt have the external assistance the belt gave me.

But, this actually changed rapidly.

I could feel my midline start to become stronger and my ability to use my “internal belt” get better.

Within one training cycle (16 weeks) I was using weights that were comparable to my belted numbers.

So, I transitioned from a “have to have my belt” mindset to “I use my belt when it is warranted” mindset”

The Benefits of Weightlifting Belts

Weightlifting belts can be powerful tools for maximizing performance and even teaching proper bracing techniques.

However, they're not a magic solution, and relying on them too heavily can hinder your progress in the long run.

Here are the main benefits of weightlifting belts.

Performance Enhancement

When used correctly, weightlifting belts can indeed boost your performance.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that wearing a belt during squats increased lift velocity and power output.

This means you might be able to lift heavier or perform more reps with a belt on.

This performance boost is most significant when you're working at near-maximal loads.

For your everyday WODs or submaximal lifts, the benefits are less clear-cut.

Belts as Teaching Tools

One often-overlooked benefit of weightlifting belts is their potential as learning aids.

Dr. Stuart McGill, a renowned spine biomechanist, explains that belts can help athletes learn how to properly brace their core.

When you push your abs against a rigid belt, it provides tactile feedback, helping you understand what proper intra-abdominal pressure feels like.

This can be especially useful for CrossFit athletes who need to maintain core stability across a wide range of movements.

The Negatives of Belt Use

While belts can enhance performance and teach bracing, they can also become a crutch if overused.

If the goal is to be is to be functional outside of the gym and optimize your health and fitness using a belt 100% of the time may not align with your goals.

With that being said there is little to no evidence that wearing a weightlifting belt even prevents injury. (2)

Thus, it truly is solely a performance tool.

In CrossFit, we pride ourselves on functional fitness.

But how functional is it if you need a belt to feel stable during heavy lifts?

I would assume you are not reaching for your belt every time you have to help someone lift or carry something, right?

Weightlifting Belt Guidelines

So, how do we harness the benefits of weightlifting belts without becoming dependent on them?

Here is my thought process for incorporating a belt.

Master Beltless Bracing First

Before you even think about using a belt, focus on developing a strong, stable core and proper bracing technique without external support.

This is called a Valsalba Manuever and it provides a solid foundation for all your lifts.

Practice the "360-degree breath" technique. Inhale deeply, feeling your ribcage expand in all directions.

Once the belly is inflamed with air, engage your core as if bracing for a punch.

This activates your entire core cylinder, including the often-neglected obliques and lower back muscles.

This intra-abdominal pressure maximally stabilizes the midline as air is trapped and the core muscles compress down.

A note: if you have blood pressure issues this technique may not be warranted. Consult with your MD before using a Valsalva maneuver.

Use Your Belt Strategically

Once you've mastered beltless bracing, introduce the belt for specific purposes:

  • Maximal Lifts: Use a belt when attempting one-rep maxes or very heavy lifts (typically above 85% of your max).
  • Technique Reinforcement: Occasionally use the belt to reinforce proper bracing technique, especially if you feel your form slipping during high-volume workouts.
  • Competition: In CrossFit competitions where maximal performance is the goal, a belt can give you that extra edge.

Maintain a Balance

The key here is to avoid becoming reliant on the belt especially if your main goal is health and fitness over performance.

A good rule of thumb is to perform at least 70-80% of your training beltless.

This ensures you're continually developing your natural core strength and stability.

Action Steps

Assess Your Current Belt Use

Take note of when and how often you're using a weightlifting belt. Are you reaching for it out of habit, or are you using it strategically?

Practice Beltless Bracing

In your next workout, leave the belt in your gym bag.

Focus on proper bracing techniques during your warm-up sets, paying special attention to creating 360-degree tension in your core.

Implement the 80/20 Rule

Aim to perform 80% of your training without a belt, reserving it for the heaviest 20% of your lifts or when specifically working on maximal performance.

Final Thoughts On Weightlifting Belts

Remember, the goal isn't to demonize weightlifting belts.

They're valuable tools when used correctly.

The key is to develop a strong, stable core that can support you through all of life's challenges - in and out of the gym.

CrossFit is about becoming the best, most functional version of yourself.

By approaching weightlifting belts as performance-enhancing tools rather than everyday necessities, you're setting yourself up for long-term success.

I hope this helps you reframe how you view weightlifting belts so that you can both optimize your performance and daily function.

What's your take on weightlifting belts, Reader?

Have you experimented with different approaches to using them in your training?

Hit reply and share your thoughts - I'd love to hear from you!

If you have questions about this week's deep dive or want a topic covered, reply to this email and let me know!

Read more about my top picks for weightlifting belts for CrossFit (LINK)

This Week's Training

Day 1 - 8/12/2024

A) Strict Pull-Up - 20X1; 3 x 2.2.2; rest :15 btw clusters and 2’ between sets (progress load)

B1) Top Down Alternating Dumbbell Press - 20X1; 3 x 10e; rest 1’ and move to B2

B2) Ring Row - 20X1; 3 x 12; rest 1’ and move to B3

B3) Prne IYT - 2010; 3 x 10 each way rest 1’ and move to B1

C) MAP 7 Mixed Aerobic Work

For time @ sustained effort
11 Min AMRAP
10 Burpees
150m Row
10 Thrusters 75/55#

Be sure to snap a pic of your training and tag @WillMurtagh_DPT on social!

This week's Blog Post

How To Make Gains With Garage CrossFit Strength Workouts

This article will discuss the secrets to mastering garage CrossFit strength workouts, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to strength training.

Best Daily Equipment Deals

*As an affiliate partner of various brands, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you to help keep this newsletter 100% free forever.

  1. Major Fitness All-in-One Squat Rack (20% off)- (LINK)
  2. E.T.Energic Olympic Barbell (20% off) - (LINK)
  3. Lionscool Multigrip Wall Mounted Pull-Up Bar (10% off) - (LINK)

Before you go, here's how I can help you

1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program

My flagship 1:1 program is designed to eliminate your joint pain while elevating your CrossFit performance in less than 12 weeks without overhauling your training or missing time in the gym for rehab.

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This movement screen is the exact same one performed in my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program.

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If not, you’ll have the answers you need to reach your goals.

*Discount already applied*

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Talk to you soon, Reader

Dr. Will Murtagh, PT, DPT, MS, CSCS, CISSN

Physical Therapist | Remote Fitness Coach

180 Lower Sheep Pasture Rd, East Setauket, NY 11733
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