The Bulletproof Newsletter

Subscribe to get my Bulletproof Training Program plus training, mobility, and nutrition tips sent to your inbox every Monday FREE.


1) 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program

My flagship 1:1 program is designed to eliminate your joint pain while elevating your CrossFit performance in less than 12 weeks without overhauling your training or missing time in the gym for rehab.

Book your free consultation - (LINK)

2) Bulletproof Training Program PRO

An upgraded version of my weekly group program (below) designed to help you increase your performance, develop your physique, and optimize your movement so that you feel great inside and outside the gym.

The PRO version comes with nutrition coaching, lifestyle coaching, demo videos, progress tracking, weekly progress check-ins, and all of my paid resources!

Start for only $7 - (LINK)

3) Book A Movement Screen & Evaluation

A 45-minute 1:1 movement screen to identify the root cause of your aches and pains.

This movement screen is the exact same one performed in my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program.

Book a virtual movement screen and If we decide to work together to fix what we find the call is 100% free!

If not, you’ll have the answers you need to reach your goals.

Book Your Movement Screen Today! (LINK)